Homemade Blueberry Jam

It took a jar of blueberry jam from an IKEA an hour away to get my son into peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I've tried strawberry, triple berry, and grape jams in 3 different styles from my local shops, with no luck. Then, I realized the granola bars he would...

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Creamy Potato Soup

Creamy potato soup is the most surprisingly easy recipes I've ever made, and I'm made that it has taken me this long to dive into it! Combine an easy recipe with a slow cooker and you have the perfect makings for a cold weather meal. Potato soup originates from France...

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Vintage-Inspired Valentine Cloche

As I learn more about how to merge mine and Mike's interior design styles together, I've been finding new ways to get creative with vintage decor. One thing that's hard to locally acquire is vintage Valentine decorations. Most of the design styles out are just not our vibe, so trying...

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DIY Cardboard Bluey House

In my quest to find activities that Miles could do during the Christmas and New Year holidays in-between family dinners and dragging out opening presents, I came across the ultimate toddler craft project: the plans for a DIY Bluey cardboard House. The level of excitement that filled my soul solidified...

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My Honest Kiwi Co Subscription Review

For Christmas, my parents gifted Miles with a 6-month subscription to Kiwi Co, an educational monthly subscription box that combines science with arts & crafts. There are 9 crate levels based on age groups that are available for $24.95 a month with free shipping, with cost breaks on multi-month purchases....

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2022 word of intention

2022 Word of Intention

Back in 2019, I decided I was done making resolutions and started choosing a Word of Intention; a single word that is used to become a manta for the year to help keep oneself focused on and end goal or dream. It's really helped me bounce back to help me...

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Pesto Turkey Pinwheels

I love a good pinwheel appetizer! While parties might still look far from normal, I won't pass up the opportunity to make these bite-sized treats for ringing in the new year. These Pesto Turkey Pinwheels are super easy to make, and can be done with as much or as little...

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