Life in an Instant: Of Birthdays & Crafts

I hate cleaning. I spent 4 hours at a shopping center today just to avoid cleaning. On the up side, I got to experience what it was like walking into a brand new Walmart and having it be quiet inside with polite patrons. You know your town is poor when...

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Life in an Instant: Of Geekery and Adventures

I'm officially over this weather. It's been over 100 degrees these past few days and it won't cool down until Wednesday. It's going to be 102 today and tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Be grateful if you're on the coast. What sucks even more is that I've been able to miss...

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My last night in San Jose

The worst part about being in a happening area is not having someone to enjoy it with. At least I got to have a swank dinner to match my swank hotel stay. The second worst part is limited channels to watch in the hotel room. It's been a long day...

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Life in an Instant: Lazy Sunday

Follow me: @thejoeyroberts Spending the day at my parents' place helping watch Grandma. We've been watching the Olympics and trying to stay awake. Around 2/3pm, Grandma, the dog, the nurse, and myself all found ourselves passed out for about 30 minutes to an hour. Now that we're all up again,...

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Life in an Instant: Reasons to Celebrate

These past two weeks have been pretty epic and exhausting. From Comic-Con to birthdays, I need a vacation from vacationing. We celebrated Jeff's 25th birthday in true fashion at The Abbey this past Saturday, and he had the lovely pleasure of waking up to the smell of a delicious breakfast to...

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How Pinteresting!

Cheat Sheet Kitchen Apron (ThinkGeek)Twisting Sisters Kitchen Timer (ModCloth)Star Wars Han Solo & Leia Mugs (LennyMud; sold out but there are similar items in stock) Since Comic-Con ruled my life for the past week, I decided to break away a bit from Pinterest and show you some items you might not have seen...

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Comic-Con 2012 - Part 1

I haven't this many people in this small amount of space ever, and this convention center is MASSIVE. According to San Diego Convention Center's website, there was an expected 126,000 people to attend this event. I'll have to wait until after the convention to let you know what the actual...

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