How Pinteresting!

Chuong Pham (akarasune) Board: Appealing Apparel Jennifer Holland (jjahholland) Board: Geeky Greatness In honor of Comic-Con International 2012 beginning tomorrow with Wednesday Preview Night, I thought it would be a good idea to touch on a little geek chic. Over the past few days, I've be searching for some great...

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Life in an Instant: I Nerd Out

Is it really Monday already?! I meant to post this yesterday. Clearly, that did not happen. I haven't had time for anything productive really. I had the chance to spend time with Hilda and Janine quite a bit over the weekend. It's nice when you can set even just a...

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Fangirl Overload

Sorry for the lack of posting lately and failing to post this week's "How Pinteresting". I've been dealing with a lot of stress from work and my neck and back have been screaming at me. I finally started to feel normal again last night after multiple icings and heat cream....

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Life in an Instant: 4-Legged (and more) Friends

Looking back at my Instagram feed for the past week made me realize that I dealt with animals a lot. From watching Mr. Lantern and Fiona ham it up a few nights ago (top left), to house and dog-sitting for my parents yesterday (top right). Poor Chucky has been having...

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How Pinteresting!

Bow ties and sweaters | Typography design | This guy | 8-bit table case Pinterest has been very amusing for me this past week. The technology and geek sections have been getting some new materials, which is always refreshing. I even managed to find some great design inspiration and humorous posts! This week, my searches included...

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I remember the first time I went into a chiropractor's office, I had a strong feel that I was in an episode of Bones. Despite knowing that I'm in the careful hands of well-trained professionals, there's just something about my neck being cracked that gives me the heebee geebees. I...

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To keep or not to keep?

I'm really a terrible person. I got caught up with weekend cleaning, catching up with friends, and planning future posts that I completely forgot I was doing the outfit challenge still. Something about my weekend excitement felt off, but I just couldn't quite remember what it was. There's too much...

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