Pre-Halloween Enjoyment

My work had their annual Halloween Pot Luck on Friday at lunch, along with a costume contest. My friend and fellow co-worker, Fred, and I dressed up as zombies with full make-up and carefully chosen costumes. Unfortunately, the rest of our department decided not to at the last second, so...

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The beast howls in my veins

I don't get to enjoy what I refer to as "relax wear", which is any outfit involving jeans since I can't wear them to work. When I do, I like to throw on a light sweater, some flats and a fun necklace (usually my little robot friend). That's what I...

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Dancing Queen

I can't get enough of wearing my old tap shoes. It gives me fond memories of dance class and twirling around the stage during recitals. I usually try to pair them with a flowing skirt and chiffon blouse, or a solid color dress that has a fitted top and flowing...

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I'm a little tea cup, short and stout

For those of you that don't know, Birchbox is an amazing program that sells samples of great products for a monthly fee of $10. That's it. Ten dollars. It's really amazing. A friend of mine got me hooked on them earlier this year, and I've found some really amazing products...

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Life in an Instant

Don't you hate it when you think you've posted something and you go back the next day to find out you were wrong? That happened to me THREE DIFFERENT TIMES THIS WEEKEND! Including this post. My grandmother turned 96 last Monday, and we celebrated her birthday in true style: pancake...

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Life in an Instant

From top left to bottom right:1. My aunt and uncle on the side of The Dancing Fox building in Downtown Lodi.2. Me showing off my cool new mirror I got.3. Food, vendors, and spectators... oh my!4. My aunt and uncle next to fall decor near St. Anne's Church's mini-festival.5. The...

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How Pinteresting!

My latest obsession with Pinterest has been checking out and adding to all of the character-inspired outfits. It's a great way to appreciate your favorite characters, while still adding fantastic additions to your closet! I've already purchased a few really great items for my closet to replace some pieces that...

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