Christmas Is Here

TraditionsEveryone does Christmas differently. Traditions, these days, don't seem to apply to the general population, but rather to specific families. Some families have to celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Eve or the day after Christmas, while others may not get to see their families at all. As we grow up,...

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Life in an Instant

Follow me @ thejoeyroberts on Instagram How I made it through this past week unscathed is still beyond me. Between making gifts for my coworkers, finishing up major projects at work and getting my apartment cleaned before the new year (my personal goal that I WILL achieve eventually), I haven't had...

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Tis The Season, Bitches - A Gift Guide (Of Sorts)

I didn't use to get so frustrated while trying to decide on Christmas presents to get my friends and family. My gifts had themes or followed a common denominator, and even Secret Santa gifts were purchased with a purpose. If someone made a specific type of comment throughout the year,...

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StocktonCon Holiday Mini Con 2012

This past Sunday, Jeff and I had the pleasant experience of attending StocktonCon's Holiday Mini Con for charity event at the AG Spanos Center in UOP. They had some neat items up for auction to go towards St. Mary's Dining Hall and United Way. We saw a few friends from...

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How Pinteresting: New Year's Eve Party Ideas

Do you know what happens when you decide to host a New Year's Eve event at your place a week before the big day? Utter chaos. Yeah, I've been there. You're running like a chicken with your head cut off trying to remember who all's going to be there so...

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Life in an Instant

That was a relatively productive week. Did some writing, helped a friend with a hand-drawn shirt design. I was even able to enjoy a few beers at The Abbey with friends of ours this past weekend. I wasn't able to get any photos of a housewarming party we went to...

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SacCon '12

This past Sunday, I had the chance to get out to Sacramento for the afternoon and check out Sac-Con with my boyfriend and our friend, Buddy. It was a nice one-day event, and packed with cosplayers. It was pretty sweet checking out all the different costumes and characters that arrived....

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