Around town

Oh gosh, what a day. I got up earlier than usual for a Saturday and decided to take a stab at doing a fashion post. Little did I know my photos were going to come out so grainy. Oh well, you can't have it all. Practice makes perfect, right? More...

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Life in an Instant

I'M SO TIRED! The past 4 nights have been so jammed pack. Thursday I crashed at the Hampton Inn in Lodi, CA for my company's annual conference. We couldn't set up the room for registration the night before at our meeting site, so I had to be up by 5a...

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Crepes anyone?

This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of stopping by Midtown Creperie & Cafe for brunch. The sun was bright and warm, even though I didn't get to feel it from my seat under the awning. It had been a while since I had a crepe. Most places I've gone...

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A To-Do List to Heal the Soul

The worst part about having an emotional breakdown, is having the regret about it the next day. It's almost like an emotional hangover, only nobody (usually) gets drunk-texts. I realize that I can't let my insecurities, and the opinions of others, dictate my life. It's tough, though, being able to...

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Life in an Instant

I didn't post anything for last Sunday because it's been a really stressful time for my family. I'm not going to go into detail about it, but don't expect too much from me for the next couple of weeks. I've been trying, but it's been tough. Everyone has their ups...

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Happy 100th Post!

A special thank you to Cupcake Mania for making such an adorable (and tasty) cupcake for this special event! Wow. If you had asked me a few months ago if I thought I would actually reach 100 posts on this blog, I'd have laughed and walked away. I can't tell you how...

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Life in an Instant

I did too much this weekend. I feel kinda burnt from it all. What sucks is that I have no photographic proof that any of it even happened. I was the Sober Sister for Sheena's belated birthday shindig for her and Logan. We went to Finn's her in town. I...

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