Finding My New Style

Over the years, I've leaned every which way with my sense of style. In fact, when I started my blog, I was creating geek chic content with character- and genre-inspired outfits! My husband has fond memories of meeting me in some of my more... eccentric attire. I've been grunge, masculine, frilly feminine, vintage, boho, lounge enthusiast, and beyond. But who am I now?

For the past 10 years, I've been aiming to move away from fast fashion methods of a high turnover rated closet and closer to a capsule closet that encourages me to be an outfit repeater like my girl Lizzie McGuire. I've leaned away from purchasing items that I couldn't see using long-term. I've even opted for repairing over replacing. I narrowed my style to a capsule closet and, over the last few years, have dwindled down to a mixture of jeans & tees with athleisure. However, this new stage of my life has me in a different body, with a different outlook, and wanting a different style.

I call it Grunge Mom Casual. It's ripped jeans, tees, flannels/plaid shirts, and everything is built to chase after two active children all day. Some outfits will be office-appropriate for those of you looking for ideas on how to keep your grunge mom casual style when going into your 8-5. If you're reading this post well into the future, check out my Fashion section for all those outfit goodness, or check out the hashtag #wljwears on Instagram!

I still want to keep sustainability at the front of my mind and will be keeping what I can. I've got a lot of pieces that I've purchased recently in the last few years that still fit (graphic tees, jackets, joggers, etc.). My aim is to thrift as much as I can, buy new clothing and accessories when I have to, and to keep a capsule closet to help with ease of decision-making (I have ADHD and this helps me a ton). My goal is to have my capsule closet set in place by the end of the year. That will give me lots of time for my fitness goals and assessing what I need and what I want for my new wardrobe.

To help me achieve this goal, I've been working on curating a Pinterest board. I've organized it with sections for hot weather and cold weather outfits that all use very similar items. Where I live, we don't really have seasons as much as we have times of the year thats hot or cold. I'm also utilizing a checkbox list of the key items I need on my list app to help me remember what's still needing to be purchased. I'll be leaning into the Acloset app for helping find new and inventive ways to wear those pieces!

I cannot describe to you the level of excitement I have for this wardrobe. If you have any recommendations for accounts in this fashion style you think you should check out, be sure to tag me (@withlovejoey on all platforms).

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