My Low-Key Side Hustles

We've all seen them before: the article headlines talk about how to make money as a stay-at-home parent or making easy money while playing on your phone! Then we click and it's nothing but surveys and passive income apps. They get us every time. Well, this is going to be a little different... Because I'm going to let you know right now that this is slow money, but that it's how I buy a lot of accessories for my home that I don't need right away. And you should be doing these, too. I'm going to be sharing my favorite ways to make a small bit of side income to help keep our room makeovers chugging along! These are all easy methods anyone with a few minutes a day can do.

Fetch Rewards

This is my favorite shopping rewards app. It's an app for Apple and Android that only wants your shopping receipts. Simply take a photo and submit. You can even connect your Amazon account and email address so all of your online purchases will count as well. At the very least, you'll get 25 points just for uploading a receipt. Every 1000 points equals a $1. If you use my sign up link (or use my referral code: P7CYF) we both get 2000 points when you sign up, and you get additional bonus point for your first receipt (I believe it's still 1200). I just signed my mother-in-law up and she's already at 6k just from her sign up bonus points and Amazon purchases!

Companies like this usually use the information of prices for products for market research. If you're concerned, you can always mark out your card info before submitting your receipt. They also have special bonus points for the purchase of certain brands. The products rotate every week to every month, so always check out the list before you start shopping!


Do you like playing games on your phone? Are you the kind of mobile player that never can commit to a game? Why not earn points and get paid in gift cards? You earn points by reaching certain checkpoints in the game (usually level 5, which can take a couple minutes up to 5-10). When you play longer and reach more levels, you get bonus points. There's even a bonus point for playing a game for an hour after 11pm for you night owls. I've redeemed my points in the past for Amazon gift cards, and plan on using my next payout for Starbucks to use on our next roadtrip! Use this link to get a bonus 50 points when you sign up (it keeps me some bonus points, too). I recommend hitting the first checkpoint and then moving onto the next game. Going beyond Checkpoint 1 rarely gives you high points. Sometimes there will be bonus games where the payout of points increases going up to Checkpoint 5. Just a little tip on that!

Google Rewards

For the last few years, the way that I have paid for my filter packs on a color story have been through my rewards money on Google Rewards (clock the link to sign up using my referral). It pushes small amount surveys to you that range anywhere from $0.10 to $1 and help with market research. The questions are small and I've never felt that they were very invasive. I've paid for filter packs for a color story, and a couple of times I actually paid a month of my Rooster Teeth subscription! The only thing that's a bummer on this one, is that you have to wait for the surveys to come to you. It's not reliable income and you can only use it for the Google Play store, but if you find yourself spending money every few months on the Google Play store, it's honestly not a bad way to save some money!

Sell on sites like Etsy & Poshmark

This one's a little bit of an unfair perception, because this isn't going to apply to everyone, but just hear me out. If you've got stuff lying around your house that you're not using anymore, why not put it on a site like Poshmark or depop? You can get a few bucks back that can go towards other purchases in the house. Additionally, if you're a Crafter or an artist, why not sell your art on the site like Etsy? Granted sites like these do charge fees so you're not going to make 100% profit, but in the process you might end up finding a hidden passion and create a small business that you wouldn't otherwise have started!

And those are my favorite ways to make a small bit of passive income on the side. The money isn't much, and most of it ends up being given to me as gift cards for other stores, but I've been able to use those gift cards to buy things for our home such as are rotating spice rack, throw pillows for living room, and more! If you've got a few minutes a day to devote to your phone, why not make a little bit of money while you're at it. Let me know below ways that you love to make a low-key income! Maybe we can all discover new ways to make a few extra bucks!

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