5 Fandom Friday: 5 Nerdy Places I Want To Travel To

5 Fandom Friday

5 fandom friday harry potter experience

5 fandom friday sailor moon museum exhibit

5 fandom friday nintendo new york

5 fandom friday wizarding world of harry potter

Since having a taste of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood, BlizzCon and Comic-Con, that itch for more has been SO STRONG!

I would absolutely LOVE to visit Europe one day, and I hope so badly that the journey there gives me the ability to see the Harry Potter Experience. Hosted by WB Studio Tours, the HPE is a beautiful museum experience for Potterheads to walk among props and replicas from the beloved films. While I know that WB Hollywood has one, it's a fraction of the experience. I need more than a taste. Which is also why I hope that I'll find myself walking the cobblestone path of Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando. Unfortunately, we only have Hogsmeade here on the West Coast while the East Coast gets the whole kitten caboodle.

While I don't think my life's journey will ever take me to Tokyo in time to experience the Sailor Moon Museum, I can dream and drool and love from afar. Sailor Moon was one of the first anime series I ever got into, before I even knew what anime was. Lately, I've been adoring all the character inspired outfits popping up on Pinterest and the 90s throwback. Slowly but surely, I will be dedicating a section of my closet just to those outfits!

After seeing iJustine's video of her trip to Nintendo NY, I've been hooked. THE PLUSHIES! I need them. They have so many Animal Crossing goodies there and I need them all. Plz gimme! I need to figure out a way to convince Mike to take me to New York so I can go.

Lastly, I've already made up my mind that the next convention I attend will be E3 Expo. While I had a blast at Comic-Con and BlizzCon, I must admit that I was SUPER out of my element. I feel like I would be able to super hang and have such a great time at E3. My hope is that I'll be able to go in 2018 or 2019! For now, I'll enjoy through the power of YouTube and my TV!

What nerdy travel destinations would you have in your 5 Fandom Friday list? Two that are on my 5+ list are Hobbiton and the Doctor Who Experience! Let me know in the comments!

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  • B. says:

    What a great list!

  • Meg says:

    E3 is quite the spectacle! Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando is soooo EPIC! We should definitely plan a trip there together!
