Visit to West 12 Ranch in Lodi, CA


You might remember that, last year, I made a trip out to West 12 Ranch here in Lodi to take family photos for my friend, Sarah. I just realized over the weekend that I never posted some of my test photos from that day. It's really unfortunate because I adore some of these photos. So much so that I'm planning on printing one of the truck photos for the house.

This place was truly amazing, and I'm really glad that the owners of West 12 have the setup that they do. It's a horse ranch, with a few barns serving different purposes. Once held a truck, still drivable, that they move about the ranch for people to take photos in, as well as a few other vehicles scattered about the ranch. Another barn holds all of the props that the owners purchased for photography use, consisting mainly of antique items from couches to books to suitcases. There's an entire room in that barn filled with nothing but vintage suitcases. It was amazing!

They even had two retired horse that had this huge area to roam and were friendly enough to where people could go into their area and take photos with them in the background. Watching Olivia giggle at all the horses made the moment even more magical. One couple was also there getting their engagement photos done and I just know their photos must have come out so well. I can't wait for the opportunity to arise where I get to go back and do another shoot there!










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  • gamerwife says:

    Whoa. This place seems perfect for photography. Love the way the sunlight bends through the wooden slats in the barn.

    • Joey Roberts says:

      This place is really magical! It's really cool that they offer up their place for photography, and they charge virtually nothing for the hours, too. They just love sharing their place with others.
