Progress Report: Harry Potter Inspired Quilt, part 1


I'm making a Harry Potter inspired quilt, did I tell you about that? It was a project I decided to start up around the time I got my fancy schmancy sewing machine. So far? This ish has gotten REAL expensive. I'm sure I shopping incorrectly, but there are certain pieces that I want and I'm a slave to whatever it available to me at my local Joann's and Walmart stores. Whatever. The way I see it is that I'm building something that I've always wanted to make (a quilt) and that is near and dear to my heart (Harry Potter).

Since I'm not using a premade pattern, I'm having to sort of wing it right now. The best laid plan that I have at the moment is for the back of the quilt, which will be the four house colors with a white border and a black border. Somehow, I plan on making a shield with the letter H to patch in the middle. Each house will have 50 squares, 10 rows of 5 - 4" x 4"squares patterned, making a total of 200 squares for the color pieces. Around the color pieces will be the white border, which will be made up of 2" x 6" strips laid into two rows and bricked (meaning they won't be directly side by side, but offset). The black border will be straight black fabric. The black fabric won't be applied until the bitter end of this project.

On the front side will be all of the 4" x 4" squares of fabric that represent a different theme or symbol in the Harry Potter series. Some pieces will have embroidery added to them to help make them match the them a bit better. For example, I wasn't able to get constellation material because some lady stole the bolt out of my cart and bought the whole damn thing before I could stop her, so I got a navy galaxy-like material and will be embroidering a few constellations onto it. I kind of like the idea of embroidering some of the pieces because it will make it feel more personalized. Each square will be separated by four white strips on all sides. I'm looking at having to do about 33 different squares. Finding the individual pieces for the front is the most difficult part of this whole process. While some themes came easy (deer, love, luck, winter towns, beer), others are proving to be more difficult (pink cats for Umbridge, friends, trains).






This past weekend, I managed to get the last of the colored material for the back of the quilt. Only the red and green sections have been assembled so far. Hoping to get the back done by the end of the weekend. Unfortunately, I can't even start on the front part until all the squares are in order because, again, NO PATTERN! *facepalm*. Oh well. I've already found about 11 of the front squares so there's not much more left to go. Wish me luck!


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  • dePepi says:

    Woooooow! So far it looks awesome! I wonder how the final result will look like (I bet that it will be great!) Good luck!!

    • Joey Roberts says:

      I'm excited to see it all put together, too! Hopefully it doesn't look like color threw up everywhere on this side of the piece! Thanks!

  • The Nifty Nerd says:

    I've made one quilt. It's a lot of work but so rewarding once you're done! Can't wait to see the finished product 🙂

    • Joey Roberts says:

      Did you buy the fabric and then cut it yourself, or did you buy one of those packs? I'm interested to see what others' experiences are with quilting since I don't have friends or family anymore that do.

  • Ashlee says:

    That is such an awesome idea! I can't wait to see the finished quilt, I'm sure it'll be fabulous.

    • Joey Roberts says:

      Thank you! I'm hoping it will. My other secret hope is that I can one day pass it down to my future Potterhead and they'll enjoy all the hidden secrets I'll put into it.

      • Ashlee says:

        Definitely, something you put so much work and love into should totally be passed down! You've totally inspired me to start up a quilt of my own! Except I'm lazy, so it'll take a while=P

  • Mariko says:

    Good luck! I've always admired quilters. I love the artistry, but I just do. not. have. the. patience.

    • Joey Roberts says:

      As a teen I couldn't do it. In fact, I gave a friend of mine the squares of a quilt I tried to do in high school and gave up after cutting all the fabric. The cutting is a project in and of itself. I definitely bit off more than I could chew with this one starting out, so I'm hoping I don't kill quilting for myself forever.

      Either that or I'll go insane and spend $800+ on a quilters machine and become obsessed with quilting. This could really go either way.

  • Sierra (Geek&Glitter) says:

    Wow! I can't wait to see this when it's done! I wouldn't have to patience to complete something that big, but it looks like it's going to come out great.

    • Joey Roberts says:

      Thank you! Yeah, I didn't realize until I retook all the measurements, but this thing is gonna be close to 4'x7'! Did not foresee that in the original planning.
