Testing out my new lens








I've been looking a different types of lenses and attachments for getting back into photography as a side job this year, and I think I'm getting to a point where I have everything I need. The best and worst part of all this shopping is the testing phase. Since all of my items are getting purchased online, I have to really do my research, wait for it to come in, test and ship back if it's not what I'm looking for.

Right now, I'm having fun with my Wide Angle and Macro combo lens. It's pretty awesome so far. Still not 100% sure this is exactly what I'm looking for, but for $10 it's staying in my set. I wanted something that I could use with my 50mm lens on my Nikon D3100 that would give me a little bit more in my photos. While it's not something I'd be able to use very often for events or portrait sessions, I can definitely see myself getting a LOT of use out of it for my blog, which was something I wanted but wasn't really actively seeking out. I had some fun learning more about my camera last night also. A friend of mine has been taking the time to explain some of the more advanced aspects of my camera and encouraging me to move outside my comfort zone of shooting and fixing it in post later. I have to say that I'm already more impressed with my photos and I was just fooling around and not really trying to go for anything specific with my shots last night.

I'm pretty stoked for a maternity session I have this Saturday. I'll be meeting the mommy-to-be-again, her hubby and their three little ones at the park for a sweet shoot amongst the trees and leaves. She's about a month out, so we've planned for the possibility of the maternity session switching to a newborn session! So wonderful, much excitement.

My next purchase will be for an external flash. I have an indoor event coming up in December and I will desperately be playing the testing game this month on a few ring ones I have my eye on. Until next time!

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  • Guest says:

    Wow these photos are beautiful! Good luck and have fun at the photoshoot! 🙂


    • Joey Roberts says:

      Thanks! It ended up helping quite a bit, but I realized too quickly that I need to invest in a good flash. Here's to hoping my dad's works out for me so I can avoid an extra cost.
