I love Saturdays

The thing I love most about Saturdays is that I have virtually no obligations. Occasionally, I'll have lunch with my parents, usually at a restaurant or a picnic at the park. My day is filled with a relaxing lunch, a spot of laundry and picking up the clutter around my apartment. The speakers are filled with fun beats from Spotify on my phone. The TV is kept off almost all day. Every once in a while, I might pick up my tablet and start reading a fanfic or two.

The weather was so nice that I threw on my new favorite pair of jeans, my Quidditch world cup tee and a pair of sandals, and walked down the street to Panne Levain Bakery. My neighborhood isn't the safest in my city. Cross the railroad tracks and you'll find yourself in a gang-tainted area that's usually bustling with drug deals and other illegal activities. During the day, the sun light illuminates the ivory and tan colored buildings, the landscaping is alive and thriving, and the street is busy with people running errands and kids riding bikes. I'm lucky that I live in such a beautiful area, even if my safety is constantly in question. It's home. And Panne Levain has some of the bombiest baked goods within a 10 minute radius.

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