Lovely Shades of Purple and Red

Its getting to the point where if I don't purge my closet of all the clothes I don't wear anymore, I'm not going to be able to find anything I do wear. I feel like cleaning out your closet is one of those things you know you need to do, you...

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Happy Hangover Day!

Hey guys, remember that time it was St. Patrick's Day and I forgot to hit publish on my post and then EVERYTHING I wrote became instantly irrelevant and had to start from scratch?! Yeah. Me, too. *facepalm* I hope you are all recovering well today from drinking last night. If...

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Splashes of Grey and Blue

This weather has been all over the place. Central Valley weather can get pretty skitzo, but this is just ridiculous. One weekend we're getting beautiful sunny weather, the next its nothing but crazy winds and downpours. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped trying to dress for the weather...

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In Remembrance of Roses

Last Friday marked my Grandma's one year death anniversary. If you were wondering why the past week has been quiet, that's why. We had a small gathering of friends at my parents' house that night. It was pretty nice seeing the house full of that many people all coming to...

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Craft Time: Cross Stitch Logo

I finally finished my first cross stitch project about a week ago! I'm so happy with how well it turned out. I think the only thing I would change is having an extra shade difference between the two purples. It's a little hard to see the shading, even in person....

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Follow me now on Bloglovin'!

Hey there, you Bloglovin fans! You can now follow my blog with Bloglovin and get updates automatically sent to your reading list. How sweet is that?! Can't wait to see you there!

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Geek Chic: Who's ready to science?!

So, I attempted to put together an outfit that was inspired by Winnie the Pooh. After everything was thrown together I quickly realized I resembled more of your classic stereotyped nerd from an MTV original series. My brain then went immediately to Bill Nye and the natural order of things...

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