LEGO Obsession

I've fallen down a hole, you guys. And the bottom is very bumpy. As a kid, I never got LEGO sets. I think most girls around my age got LEGO set because they had brothers that had them and they were able to play with them by default. Since I...

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Happy 99th Birthday, Grandma!

Happy birthday, Grandma! You would have been 99 today. We miss you and love you SO much. I'm glad to know I have you as one of the angels watching over me now. Hope I've kept you at least kinda proud.

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Progress Report: Harry Potter Inspired Quilt, part 1

I'm making a Harry Potter inspired quilt, did I tell you about that? It was a project I decided to start up around the time I got my fancy schmancy sewing machine. So far? This ish has gotten REAL expensive. I'm sure I shopping incorrectly, but there are certain pieces...

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The Parrish Wedding 2015

How cute is this front yard country chic wedding! This past Saturday, I joined Michael's family to celebrate his cousin Bethie's marriage to the love of her life. It was such a sweet affair! Mike's older sister did all the floral arrangements at the event and worked with one of the...

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Tea Time Tuesday: Organic African Nectar Tea

Mighty Leaf Organic African Nectar Tea untampered   It's Tea Time Tuesday on a Wednesday! Because sometimes you have adult obligations and plans change. This week, I'm loving the Mighty Leaf Organic African Nectar tea. It's so delicious. It's not too sweet and very flavorful. This packet came in my...

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