My Harry Potter Baby Shower

I'm definitely 8 months late on sharing the beautifully thrown Harry Potter baby shower that my wonderful in-laws threw for me during my last trimester, but better late than never right? Back in January, I was thrown the best Harry Potter baby shower I could have asked for! From a...

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A Weekend in Salem

This past weekend, we accomplished what I had been convinced would be the impossible: we drove 12 hours in the car with a 4-month old and everyone was fine. My brother-in-law and his wife were finally able to have their wedding just after their first year of marriage, and Mike...

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Distressed Porch Chair

Decorating your front porch doesn’t just help add a little value to your home and make the entrance to your abode delightful, it can help serve useful purposes as well! One design trend that I absolutely love is the distressed wooden chair. It’s such an interesting element to add that...

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Creating a Capsule Closet: Stage 2 - Sorting

This week we're stepping back into my closet for the next stage of my Creating a Capsule Closet series - sorting! Once you've got your plan down, the next step is to put it into action. This means going through what you have to see what you're keeping and what...

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Family Friday: Our First 8 Weeks with Miles

As someone who never really babysat children growing up let alone changed a diaper, having a baby of my own that I would need to care for terrified me more than giving birth. Luckily for me, that process was WAY easier than I originally anticipated, a story I will be...

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Pregnancy Skin Care Routine: One Week Later

So while it hasn't necessarily been a week for you, it's most definitely been a week for me with my new pregnancy skin care routine. One week with trying desperately to remember to do the same thing every morning and every evening. Honestly? I think I did pretty good! It's...

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