Baby Gap x Star Wars

I am absolutely losing my mind right now! I had no idea that Gap had teamed up with the Star Wars franchise and made a line for Baby Gap and Gap Kids! Here are my five favorite items from the Gap x Star Wars line that are sure to make...

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App-tastic: Getting Back Into Pokemon Go

Since the weather started warming up q few months ago, I've been going for morning walks with Miles. I'll admit that it took me a while to think of this, but I decided to get back into Pokemon Go as an incentive to continue walking on my own every day....

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Chambray Shirts and Pokemon Skirts

In recent months, I've had a new found love for Pokemon Go. So much so, that it's actually gotten me back into exercising again. I'll be posting something soon all about that! In the meantime, I've been finding myself creeping Pokemon more and more into my fashion choices. Eevee wallet...

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Nerdy Baby Diaper Backpack

Babies require stuff and things. So much stuff and things. I always thought that moms were just over preparing themselves for scenarios that were unlikely to happen. I was wrong. They were right. Babies are unpredictable monsters that can explode from either end at any given moment. So how do...

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7 Things I Learned at 31

As age 32 descends upon me, I can't help but reflect at the past year and be in awe of how crazy different my life is today. I started age 31 by announcing our pregnancy to our families, working in a career path that left me uninspired and ridden with...

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Miles at 5 Months

Yesterday, we celebrated Miles turn 5 months old! Yesterday was also the official day I could feed Miles rice puree! I can't begin to tell you how excited I've been for this moment! I've been talking about it to anyone who would be forced to listen since his doctor told...

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Harry Potter Galaxy Nail Art

I believe that the best accessory you can have on your person at an event is your nail art, so when I found out I was going to be having a Harry Potter baby shower that would also be incorporating my starry nursery theme I knew exactly how I would...

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