6 Months with Miles

I honestly can't believe 6 months have already passed since I had Miles. We constantly try to remember life before him and, like when we try to remember life before dating each other, Mike and I have a hard time picturing our past without him.  Comparing Miles now to Miles...

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Don't Go Looking for Trouble

Do you ever find yourself on the losing end of a stick? Like you're playing a game you just can't win? Yeah, I feel like I'm there right now. My luck is non-existent today. I'm reminiscing back to earlier this week when I took this photo, on a day where the...

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Army Green and Gold

I'm the kind of person that builds outfits around accessories. Take these Harry Potter pins for example. While cleaning up my dresser yesterday, I found this in my pin collection and knew I had to group them together for an outfit.  It usually starts with shoes, then to a shirt...

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The Weekend That Wasn't

Becoming a parent has taught me one very hard lesson: most plans will not go accordingly and you will almost always have to cancel all of them, crawl back into bed, and watch TV until you can just try again tomorrow.  For Saturday, our original plan was to attend a...

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What's In My Makeup Bag

My skin has started to go back to the way it was before I got pregnant, which meant that I needed a whole new bag of makeup that would work with my new old skin. The timing was perfect since I was just about out of some of my main...

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National Read a Book Day

It's no secret that I love Harry Potter. So for National Read a Book Day, it's only natural that I would talk about my beloved series. However, I'd like to talk a little bit about my introduction to Harry Potter and how it's changed my life, to better show you...

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Workout Spider Gwen

When it comes to leggings I carry a similar mentality of "if it fits I sits", where if my underwear doesn't show out the back I'm going to wear it to work out in. Is this a good idea? Probably not. Am I going to continue to do it? Yes. ...

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