5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Movies to Get Me Into the Holiday Spirit
One, Two, Three | Four | Five
Most people have at least one or two live-action movies that they watch during the holidays. Nope, not me. When I think of my favorite movies to get me into the holiday spirit for this week's 5 Fandom Friday, it's all claymation and cartoon films.
Nightmare Before Christmas is a staple in the Spurgeon household. It starts us off at the beginning of the holiday season (which is Halloween for us) and carries us through the to the end (New Year's Day). That's the beauty of this movie: because there are so many holidays mentioned, it makes it the best movie for the season!
And who could forget the classics: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Santa Clause is Coming to Town and Frosty the Snowman! These were HUGE when I was growing up, and I can't wait to share it with my future little ones. I don't there will ever be a time in my life where I don't enjoy seeing these films.
Though A Charlie Brown Christmas isn't a film I watch a ton of, I feel like a year without any kind of Charlie Brown holiday special is a bad year.
What are your staple holiday movies in your home? If you could only watch one holiday movie for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mine would have to be Nightmare Before Christmas, for sure!