Focusing in 2020

Happy New Year, everyone! Well, it's been a new year for almost a week now, but I've been soaking in 2020 and focusing on what is important to me going into this new decade.

Which brings me to my word of the year: FOCUS. I love the idea of having a word of the year that becomes your rock, your mantra, your go-to thought when you need to settle your soul back to square one. And for my first time doing it, I wanted to make sure it was a solid one.

As someone who chooses to live unmedicated with ADHD, with the responsibilities of side hustles and a family to tend to, focusing on this is nearly impossible. And while I know that this year will present new challenges and changes, if feel like I have a better grasp on my new routines and now to manage my time with Miles both outside of and during nap time. 

I will turn that word of the year towards my goals for the year and make them work in harmony together.

I will focus on providing better all-around health for myself, doing what is necessary to keep me happy and healthy so I can then ensure my family is happy and healthy.

I will focus on my projects, getting organized and on good schedules that I can manage, so I can work smarter this year and prepare for the growth I seek.

I will focus on completing your home, because while our design style will be ever changing we can still get the home to a state where we feel settled.

This year, I will learn to focus in ways that work for me and I can't wait to see all that i can accomplish as a result!

What word of the year have you chosen? What are your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments below and we can all be each other's accountabili-buddies!

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